This website provides analysis code for the manuscript “In Game as in Life? Linking Decision-making to Real-world Behavior” by Mikael Rubin, Michael J. Telch, and Justin Dainer-Best.
Materials, R Markdown files with all R code, data, and some plots are included on the Open Science Framework at
The final plots included in the paper are below, with a full legend for the Font Awesome icons.
Figure 1. A) The exploratory network plot for the relationships between game activities and real activities. B) The confirmatory network plot for the relationships between game activities and real activities.
Note. Solid lines show positive associations, dashed lines show negative associations. Faded lines show associations without sufficient evidence to support hypotheses. The width of the lines reflects the strengths of the associations. Node labels were generated using representative icons from Font Awesome For the most part these are fairly intuitive (e.g. the beer stein or martini glass reflect alcohol use; the smartphone reflects time spent on the phone). Highlighted nodes are those that were found to be central bridges between the game behaviors and the real-life behaviors in the exploratory analysis.
Figure 2. A) The exploratory network plot for the relationships between game activities and depression symptoms. B) The confirmatory network plot for the relationships between game activities and depression symptoms. C) The exploratory network plot for the relationships between real activities and depression symptoms. D) The confirmatory network plot for the relationships between real activities and depression symptoms.
Note. Solid lines show positive associations, dashed lines show negative associations, and line width represents the strengths of those associations. Node labels were generated using representative icons. Highlighted nodes are those that were found to be central bridges between the game/real-life behaviors and PHQ-8 symptoms in the exploratory analysis.