Determining optimal parameters of the Self Referent Encoding Task: A large-scale examination of self-referent cognition and depression

Justin Dainer-Best, Hae Yeon Lee, Jason D. Shumake, David S. Yeager, and Christopher G. Beevers

This is the online home for supplemental information relating to the article entitled "Determining optimal parameters of the Self Referent Encoding Task: A large-scale examination of self-referent cognition and depression", published in the journal Psychological Assessment.

Data and R Markdown documents are accessible on the Texas Data Repository,

Primary Manuscript Materials

Supplementary Materials (additional materials)

  1. Summary Statistics (HTML)
  2. Data Distributions (HTML)
  3. Correlation Tables (HTML) (Explore the relationship between outcomes with a Shiny app)
  4. How models were created (HTML)
  5. Plots and summaries of models (HTML)
  6. Targeted model comparisons (HTML)
  7. Internal Reliability of the SRET (HTML)
  8. Test-Retest Reliability of the SRET (HTML)